| Softwares Available in the Department

The students and faculty of the department will be able to use various commercial and open source softwares. These softwares are available in the High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF) of the department in addition to the departmental computing clusters (MECLUSTER). The below list gives an overview of the softwares available in the department.

For general enquiries on the availability of software and the procedure to get access, you may contact Dr. Ratna Kumar Annabattula.

Commercial Engineering Analysis/Visualisation Software
  • ANSYS Mechanical (Department License)
  • ANSYS CFD (Institute-wide and Department License)
  • ABAQUS (Institute-wide License)
  • COMSOL MultiPhysics (Institute-wide License)
  • CARSIM (Department License)
  • MSC ADAMS (Department License)
  • ADAMS ATV (Department License)
  • Altair/Hypersuite (Department License)
  • LS-Dyna (Department License)
  • AUTODESK – Complete Package (Department License)
  • MATLAB (Institute-wide license)
  • Mathematica (Institute-wide license)
  • PTC Creo Parametric (Department License)
  • Solidworks (Institute-wide license)
  • STAR-CCM (Institute-wide License)
  • Mathcad (Institute-wide License)
  • Intel Compilers (Institute-wide License)
  • Tecplot (Department License)
  • VI Motorcycle (Department License)
Commercial General Purpose Software (The faculty members can contact Prof. G. Venkatarathnam for license keys and media. Students should contact through their faculty advisors)
Opensource Software
  • LAMMPS (Molecular Dynamics Simulations)
  • LIGGGHTS (Granular Systems Simulations)
  • GROMACS (Molecular Dynamics Simulations)
  • FreeCAD
  • FEniCS (Finite Element Analysis)
  • OpenFoam (CFD)