
Krishnadasan CK.

Professor of Practice

215, Machine Design Section

PhD from NIT- Trichy, India


  • B.Sc. (Engg) in Mechanical Engineering from College of Engineering, Trivandrum (1979-84), M.Tech in Aerospace Engg., from IIT-Madras (1988-90) and PhD from Mechanical Department, NIT Trichy in 2022.
  • PSLV Project Core team member / Manager/ Dy. Project Director (1984-2012): Responsibilities: Finalization of Structural specifications, design, analysis, qualification, PSLV flight instrumentation (Mechanical, propulsion & aerodynamics), Flight readiness reviews and Post-Flight-Analysis.
  • Division Head/ Group Head (2012-19): Design of composite, thermo-structural systems, solid propellant grains, metallic/ composite pressure vessels, Crew Module and fairing and many special mechanical designs.
  • Group Director- Solid motors group (2019-21): Design & realization of new Solid rocket motors (for SSLV, Human-Space program, RSR), Pintle motor & Hybrid motor initiated; Chairman - R&D projects of Solid Propulsion Entity.
  • Dy. Director of VSSC-Structural Engineering Entity (2021-22): GaganYaan system qualification test setups were defined and qualification tests were initiated. Finalized the design for accommodating 36 satellites in LVM3 / OneWeb mission. Finalized the design /fabrication aspects of 2 m monolithic composite solid motor case.
  • Chairman - Design Review Team (Structural systems)- PSLV/GSLV/ LVM3 (2019-22)

  1. Similarity of stiffness and mass matrices in plate bending elements; 1995, International journal of numerical methods in engineering, C. K. Krishnadasan, A. Krishnan.
  2. Analytical studies and numerical predictions of stresses in shear joints of layered composite panels for aerospace applications, Composite Structures, Vol: 255, pp. 112927, 2021. C.K. Krishnadasan, N. Siva Shanmugam, B. Sivasubramonian, B. Nageswara Rao, R. Suresh.
  3. Design, Analysis and Qualification of Elevon for Reusable Launch Vehicle, Shashi Tiwari R. Suresh C. K. Krishnadasan, November 2017Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) Series C 98(2)
  4. Design of safety mechanism in lithium-ion cells; Vidur Rajesh Paliwal Md Jamal Nawaz Ansari, Aiswarya Samridh, Indian Space Research Organization; Mercy TD; Conference: International Conference ICARBM, IISER-Pune