I’m an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at IIT Madras. I earned my B.Tech from IIT Bombay and went on to complete my MS and PhD at Purdue University, USA. My research lies at the intersection of manufacturing, materials science, and mechanics. Over the years, I’ve worked on a variety of problems, from modeling ridge defects in graphene sheets to studying void formation in microelectronic circuits caused by electromigration. Lately, I’ve been focusing on understanding how environmental factors influence fracture in solids.
1. A. Udupa, DP Mohanty, T Sugihara, JB Mann, RM Latanision, and S Chandrasekar. Surface stress can initiate environment-assisted fracture in metals. Physical Review E, 109:L023002, 2024
2. James B. Mann, Debapriya P. Mohanty, Andrew B. Kustas, B.Stiven Puentes Rodriguez, Mohammed Naziru Issahaq, A. Udupa, Tatsuya Sugihara, Kevin P. Trumble, Rachid M’Saoubi, and Srinivasan Chandrasekar. Large-scale metal strip for power storage and energy conversion applications by machining-based deformation processing. CIRP Annals,
72(1):45–48, 2023
3. A. Udupa, Narayan Sundaram, Anirban Mahato, T Sugihara, James B Mann, and S Chandrasekar. What can plastic flow fields tell us about heat sources in deformation processing? Journal of Metals, 74:535–546,
4. A. Udupa, A.S. Vandana, Mojib Saei, Deepika Gupta, James B.Mann, Koushik Viswanathan, and Narayan K. Sundaram. Sinuous
plastic flow: Mechanics, microstructural basis, and control. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 168:103728, 2021. Journal Cover Feature
5. D P Mohanty, A. Udupa, Chandra A A R, K Viswanathan, J B Mann, K P Trumble, and S Chandrasekar. Mechanical behavior and high formability of palm leaf materials. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2(4):2000080, 2021. Journal Cover Feature
6. T Sugihara, A. Udupa, K Viswanathan, J M Davis, and S Chandrasekar. Organic monolayers disrupt plastic flow in metals. Science Advances, 6(51):eabc8900, 2020. Subject of extensive press coverage
7. J M Davis, M Saei, D P Mohanty, A. Udupa, T Sugihara, and S Chandrasekar. Cutting of tantalum: Why it is so difficult and what can be done about it. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 157:103607, 2020. Awarded the Anders Gustaf Ekeberg Tantalum
Medal 2021
8. A. Udupa, K Viswanathan, and S Chandrasekar. Pattern formation on free surfaces via plastic buckling and periodic folding. EPL (Euro-physics Letters), 129(4):46001, 2020
9. A. Udupa, Narayan Sundaram, Tatsuya Sugihara, and Srinivasan Chandrasekar. Direct in situ observation of deformation modes in wedge indentation of metals. Materials Transactions, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, 60(8):1442–1449, 2019
10. A. Udupa, K. Viswanathan, M. Saei, JB. Mann, and S. Chandrasekar. Material-independent mechanochemical effect in the deformation of highly-strain-hardening metals. Physical Review Applied, 10(1):014009, 2018. Subject of a Physics: Focus article by Philip Ball. Video on the topic by Science Channel has been viewed more than 1 Million times on Facebook.
11. A. Udupa, S. Sadasiva, and G. Subbarayan. A framework for studying dynamics and stability of diffusive–reactive interfaces with application to Cu6Sn5 intermetallic compound growth. Proc. R. Soc. A, 472(2190):20160134, 2016. Journal website feature.